Terms and Conditions

Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)

Monsha’at Portal AUP

The Small and Medium Enterprises General Authority (Monsha'at) website, hereinafter referred to as “Monsha’at portal” or “the portal”, is available for personal use. Your usage of the portal is subject to these terms and conditions of use and to the applicable regulations of Saudi Arabia. Additionally, your access to the portal constitutes your unconditional consent to these terms and conditions, whether you are a registered user or not. This consent is deemed effective as of the date of your first access to the portal. 

As clearly expressed in the portal’s vision and mission, one of Monsha'at’s main objectives is to empower the SME sector to become an integral driver of Saudi Arabia’s economic development. SMEs are pivotal to effectuating Vision 2030, which will in return unlock new growth potential by joining forces with strategic partners from the public, private and nonprofit sectors locally and internationally.

The AUP outlines terms and conditions that are subject to further amendment if needed. Any amendment of any of the terms and conditions is deemed effective immediately upon the approval of the portal’s Administration. Accordingly, you are expected to check the AUP terms and conditions and Principles of Disclaimer from time to time to take notice of all amendments, as they are legally binding on you. Your access to the portal constitutes your complete consent and approval of every amendment made on the AUP. The terms and conditions include property rights, and the Portal’s administration is not obliged to announce any amendments to the terms and conditions.

Limitations of Use

By accessing Monsha’at portal, you acknowledge and consent to avoid:

  • Uploading or downloading files that contain software, materials, data or information that you do not own or have a license to use.
  • Using the portal in any way to send a commercial or spam emails or any such misuse of the portal.
  • Uploading or downloading files in the portal that contain viruses or damaged materials.
  • Posting, announcing, distributing or circulating materials or information that are defamatory, that violate any laws or contain pornographic or obscene material or materials that contradict the Islamic principles or public morals or any illegal material or information through the portal.
  • Registering, through the portal, in any activity that is illegal in Saudi Arabia.
  • Advertising any product or service in the portal that could jeopardize the portal by violating any law or regulation.
  • Using any means, program or procedure to interrupt or attempt to interrupt the proper operation of the portal.     
  • Taking any action that places an unreasonable, large, or inappropriately heavy load on the portal infrastructure.
Links to Monsha’at Portal

Except as mentioned below, it is prohibited to transfer or copy any of the contents of Monsha’at portal, create links to it or display any of the links in a frame.

  • It is allowed to share links to Monsha’at portal in any other websites, the objectives and general orientation of which do not conflict with the portal’s objectives, policies and frameworks.
  • Monsha’at is not deemed, in any way, a participant or linked in any way to any commercial or service signs, slogans or symbols or any other means used or appear in the websites linked to the portal or any of their contents. 
  • Monsha’at reserves its rights to cease or restrict any link in any way from any website that contains inappropriate, scandalous, abusive, obscene, pornographic, inappropriate, objectionable or illegal topics or names, material or information that violates any law or rights of property and privacy or public rights.
  • Monsha’at reserves the right to disable any unauthorized link in any way and does not bear the responsibility for the contents provided in any other website accessed via the portal or accessed from the portal.
Links from Monsha’at Portal

Communication links for other portals and/or websites are provided to facilitate the visitor's journey. Monsha’at is not accountable for the content or credibility of the portals and/or sites to which we link, and Monsha’at does not endorse their contents. Your use of any of these links to access those sites or portals is entirely at your own risk.

Since Monsha’at does not have control over those links, replacing any ineffective links to other websites does not guarantee in any way that these links will always function.

Antivirus Protection

Monsha'at exerts every effort to check and test the contents of the portal at all stages of production. It recommends that you always run an anti-virus program on all material downloaded from the Internet. Monsha'at is not liable for any loss, interruption, or damage to your data or your computer, which may occur during connection to the portal or when using material received from it.

Waiver of Claims

Monsha’at portal, its services, information, material and functions that can be accessed through the portal are available for your personal use “as is” and “as available” without any acknowledgment, promises or guarantees of any kind.

The portal does not guarantee or bear any responsibility for any interruptions, errors or abuses that may arise from the use of the portal, its contents or any linked website with or without Monsha’at knowledge.

If the user makes any connections or information through the portal, he does not have the right of property or the right of confidentiality over them. Moreover, any use or interactive use involved in the Portal does not guarantee and does not mean to guarantee to the user any rights, authorities or privileges of any kind.

If Monsha’at waives any of its rights confined to these conditions in any place or occasion, no such waiver shall constitute in any way an automatic and permanent waiver of any rights in any other place or occasion.

Limitation of Liability

The online services provided by Monsha’at portal and information on different government agencies are provided solely to facilitate manual procedures. Thus, you fully acknowledge that Internet connections may interfered with or interrupted by others, that the portal does not replace the information provided by official agencies and that the portal administrative orders and requests may be directly made to the authorized agencies.

Accordingly, using the portal remains at your risk. Monsha’at is not responsible in any way for any incurred loss or damage due to visiting and using the portal, relying on any statement, opinion or announcement in the portal or the results of any delay in operation, connection error, Internet access problems, equipment or software damage or behavior or ideas of any person visiting the Portal. Thus, you acknowledge and agree that the only and exclusive way to deal with any damage or loss incurred due to the use of the portal is to avoid using or accessing it or to stop doing so.


Thus, you agree not to take any action against Monsha’at or any of its administrations and to compensate and secure it from responsibility and liability, and any agencies, employees or agents responsible for managing, maintaining, updating or providing Monsha’at portal, that may occur in relation to any claim resulting from any breach by you of the terms and conditions of use or any applicable laws in Saudi Arabia or your place of residence.        

Termination of Use

Monsha’at may, at its absolute discretion, terminate, limit or cease your right to access or use the portal without prior notice and for any reason, including breaching terms, conditions or limitations of use or any other behavior that Monsha’at may consider, at its discretion, illegal or harmful to others. In case of termination, you will not be allowed to access the portal.

Rights of Property

You are strictly prohibited from changing any part of the portal. Moreover, graphics and photos in the portal are protected under copyrights and may not be copied or utilized in any way without the prior written consent of Monsha’at in Saudi Arabia. 

Judicial Reference

You hereby agree to submit exclusively to the judicial authorities of Saudi Arabia any and all claims or disputes arising from your use of the portal. The Arabic language will be the official language used to resolve all disputes arising from your use of the portal or any of its content.

General Terms and Conditions
  • The Arabic language is the official language to use the portal and benefit from all of the published material. The aim of translating any of the material is to provide an additional service. Thus, the provided translation cannot be used to interpret any dispute about the content of the portal.
  • All the regulations and instructions published on the portal, whether related to “Monsha’at” or other entities, may be translated to interpret their meanings with the aim of increasing reach. However, the Arabic text of all these regulations and instructions constitutes the primary reference, and accordingly, it is not possible in any way to rely on the translated version to derive any information or details.
  • For more information or feedback about the privacy conditions and waiver of liability, kindly contact the portal’s administration via the following email address:
  •      [email protected]