
يمكنك الاطلاع على جميع الفرص أو التصفية باستخدام القطاع، التصنيف أو البلد

Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) and its components which include resistors,...

electrical power carriers, electronic and optical signals, which include all...

Aircraft propellers that provide thrust from the engine rotational motion...

Powered and nonpowered valves which include nonreturn valves, flow control...

The opportunity encompasses mechanical transmission components, which include the clutch,...

All forms of pumps used in water distribution and energy...

Steering, propulsion and fuel pump motors, tilting motors, rotational motors...

Energy storage devices (Batteries) rechargeable and un-rechargeable which include Lead...

Mechanical components, which include brakes, axles, wheels, shock absorbers, and...

All forms of rigid flexible tubing and pipes (steel and...